29 December 2005

Almost New Year!!

Well, again I haven't been able to post, but this time not for lack of time, but lack of health!!

It seems that my body loves to get sick every year, it's been almost a month and I can't get rid of this cold.

Christmas was really really nice, can't complain, beeing with family is always nice.

I hope everything went very well with you!

03 December 2005


Well, after watching twice Harry Potter (not enough times) and thinking to myself (it's a movie, don't compare to the book) I got an email saying that the movie theater is selling Narnia tickets for next Friday!

I didn't want it to happen like last time with Harry, so, I ventured the Xmas traffic and went and bought Narnia tickets for next Friday at 9 pm!! Yaaay! I sure can't wait to see this movie.

18 November 2005

Weather Wise

High wind advisory
VERY strong winds, HOT and DUSTY and DRY weather....

My nose bleeds, my eyes water like open faucets and I feel horrible :P still, I came to work... oh well...

I hope humid weather comes soon, we've had a whole week of this weather and it's getting me sick.

And starting Tuesday I'll be on vacation! :D just stay home, relax, go to the movies, relax, study for my exam, relax, try to finish two proyects, did I mention the word "relax"??? LOL


Yes, I must confess I'm upset, no wait, I'm VERY upset because I wanted to go tonight to the movies to watch Harry Potter, and last night I went to buy tickets for tonight... you guessed it, all sold out!

I couldn't beleive it, all sold out and I'm out.. *sigh* I barely got tickets for Saturday night... ARGGHH!!!

Yes, I'm a Harry Potter fan NOT to confuse with a Geek, but a fan :) and I'M VERY upset ... oh well.... hope another day won't kill me LOL

13 November 2005

Too soon?

I don't know about you, but sometimes it makes me feel that Christmas is comming faster every year, I can't beleive another year has gone by!

Where did it go?!? a couple of weeks and it's Christmas! wow! Are you ready yet?

I'm always up for Christmas, specially because it's my favorite time of the year, and I always like the lights, cold weather, hot chocolate, beeing with my family.

I specially enjoy when we are at Christmas dinner (the 24th.) and instead of picking up the plates fast and leave, we just stay there and chat for hours :) I really enjoy it, my mom cooks, and my sis and me take turns in washing dishes and picking up the table. I enjoy beleive it or not, because I spend a lot of time with my sister, thing that I can't do a lot during the weekday because we're so busy that we just chat a bit and that's it.

The thing that bothers me the most, it's that every year it feels like the stores are taking out holiday stuff earlier, like this year, Halloween wasn't even over and I could see Christmas decorations! I hope a lot of people could see that Christmas is NOT for buy buy buy, but for give give give :)

Have a Happy Holliday Season! :)

22 October 2005

Pics of the sugar skulls and the delicious bread.

El Dia de Muertos

The Day of the death:

Every Nov. 1st. and 2nd. Mexico celebrates the Day of the Death.
Nov. 1st. is to celebrate/remember deceased children, and Nov. 2nd. it's when we celebrate/remember adults.

I said celebrate becasue it's tradition to go to the cemetery and decorate the tomb of the loved one, you put it's favorite food and drink, play it's favorite music and stay all night.

Why food and drink? Because it's beleived that on this day they come from heaven to visit their families, so they arrive hungry and thirsty and family likes to welcome them with their favorite food and drink. That day the cemetery is open all night and all day, it's a big celebration with prayers and music.

We also have something called "calaveras" It is considered satirical personage verses popular, that are directed mutually familiar or companions of work. Stores sell sugar skulls with names on their front.

Some are made of chocolate, but the tradition is sugar. People also build altars at their homes if they can't go to the cemetery. Children go outside asking for their "calaverita" (little skull) which means they want candy and/or money, just like trick or treat.

We also eat a bread called "pan de muerto" The Bread of death very delicious!

05 October 2005

Water Compnay

Well, yesterday I couldn't go to work (well, I guess you guessed by reading the update).

I live in a place near the sea, it's "outside" the city, and there is only one main road from coming and going to the city, the road it's between hills, so yesterday while going out to work, the line to go out was very long.

Sis and me were going out at 7:15 am, by 8:00 we have only advanced three blocks, so we returned home and wait for a bit we said "it's a very heavy rush hour" so, at 8:30 we tried again, the traffic was worse than before, but we stayed there, we HAD to go to work, well, wishes can't always come true, we made 40 mins. from one block of the street to another.

We went back home again, I called the office that I couldn't get out, another co-worker who lives in here also, did make it, but he arrived at noon, leaving at 9am.

Of course, I was not happy, but what can one do right? I mean, if police officers say "No you can't pass" I can't say "please Mr. officer let me pass or the people at my office will be very upset with me" HA! Anwyayz, I just tried to relax, took a long walk with my mom to the supermarket, watched some TV, updated a blog, played on the computer... it was like an un-requested vacation day LOL

Let's see how things go today... *sigh* I will be having a hard time by my co-workers "trying to be funny" and saying "if he got out why didnt you?" and blah blah :P

I'm a rock, I won't let stupid coments affect me :D

04 October 2005

Comic-Con Sunday


Yes, that was the main panel (and hour last one sob sob) on Hall H, the director and the children were via satelite in London (which I think that was SO cool!), also they showed us lots of costumes and material for that picture, which it's a shame I can't show them in here because that's copyright and I don't want to get in trouble. I just can't wait to see the movie, they were showing "comic con exclusive" video and again, I can't wait for the movie.

Anyway, between panels, and shopping, and taking pictures and walking endlessly, we had an AWSOME time and can't wait for next year.

Comic-Con Saturday

By 5 pm I was done with my panels, and I had to go and ask for the Masquarade tickets, a 20,000 people room full of people cheering and screaming fans of everything, this is the highlight of Saturday, sadly, sis and me were SO tired, that we could hardly keep our eyes open, and that made me very upset, but if we wanted to go on Sunday, we needed to get some rest, so by 10:30 pm. we headed home. But while in line, you get to see people in costume (well you get to see them every single day, if you don't have a costume the YOU are the weird one there lol), I saw this pretty impressive costume, it even had all the movements down so well!

Comic-Con Saturday

Next up, run again all the way to the other side, to the Archie comics panel, I love Archie! And I never miss the chance to go see my friend Victor Gorelick Editor of Archie, and meet the rest of the panel.

Comic-Con Saturday

Next up, go to the other side of the convention (not easy!) to be where Cartoon Voices panel was.

This pannel was a lot of fun! Porky Pigg, Power Puff Girls, Daffy, they were all there! Really an excellent pannel, defenitely I'm there next year.

Comic-Con Friday

First pannel and an excellent seat (and very sleepy) was for the LOST pannel, it's my favorite TV show! Watching these guys in person and how down to earth they were, and they answered lots and lots of questions, previews, this panel had it all.

Comic-Con Saturday

By this time, we were feeling pretty tired, wake up very early, and come back home late (we were there almost until it was over), this was the BIG day for everything but beeing downstairs on the floor. It gets SO packed that you can hardly see the stands, so if you want to do some shopping do it before the weekend.

Today was packed with panels, go here, go there, go here, go there, eat while you're at this panel, etc. etc. I was the one who was outside jumping from room to room, sis was inside Hall H all day long.

Comic-Con Friday

There was also a pannel honoring Greg Evans the author of the comic strip Luann. It was such a thrill to meet him, I really love his comics and beeing there it's really awsome.

Comic-Con Friday

One of the pannels was with the star of the movie Vendetta. The otherone was the preview of the movie Constant Gardener.
We saw Constant Gardener, excellent movie, I really loved it.

Comic-Con Friday

Today we went to a lot of pannels, lots of movie reviews and stars!

There is a new Hall at the Convention Center, it's called Hall H, it fits six thousand people (yes you read right) and it gets filled, and sometimes there is a looong line to wait and get in.

This day was full of fun movie panels, but I didn't stay inside Hall H all day, I wanted to see other things/panels.

We had to arrive very early so we could get a good spot, after an hour waiting (there was one and a half hour left so they would let us in), the line grew even around the corner to the convention. Here are some pics I took. Crazy? Maybe, but I sure had TONS of fun!.

Comic-Con Thursday

Yes, they are made out of leggos, amasing isn't it?

This year, was a Star Wars celebration, they have awsome pannels and excellent floor space, I have tons of pics but then you'll be bored at looking at a lot of pics, so I'll just publish a hundred. LOL

Comic-Con Thursday

Here is a model for the comming movie Narnia. Wetta really knows how to make it's stuff, but now I'm sounding like a commercial, so I better stop here lol.

Comic-Con Thursday

We have been very furtunate to be able to visit Comic Con each year, this was our 11th. consecutive year (us meaning my sis and me). And every year I think "it can't be better than the last" but.. what a suprise! Every year beleive it or not, it's "a bit" better than the last.

This year was no exception, we looked at the schedule on internet before going to the Con and make our plans on what to see, what to visit, where are the pannels that we want to visit, etc.

And as we were reading we were like... AGK! I need to split in half! It sure was very frustrating to say either go to this.. or go to that... but everyday (except Thursday) were something to see/visit/do.

Wednesday was preview night, for the people who had bought their 4 day weekend pass, we got there one hour earlier or so, and the line to pick up the badges was HUGE! But it went smoothly, and everything went fine.

Thursday was shopping day, either that day shop all you wanted, because we were not going to be able to do it any other day, they have expanded since last year the San Diego Convention Center, and let me tell you, if you don't bring nice comfy shoes, by noon your feet would want to just stop.

I'll post some pics next from Thursday. BTW I got really good deals on mangas!

04 September 2005

Sneak Peek

Just a sneak peek at my next posts... Comic Convention! :D

This year was SO AWSOME! And exhausting! But we looooved it! (Tania my sis and me).

Every Luann Fan would love to be on my place! And I got two autographed books! And this is just Thursday! Yaaay! :D

More to come soon :)

No andaba sola

Okay okay, I admit it, I haven't been updating like I promissed/should, I'm trying to change my life a bit for the better, and it has been quite hard not to end up very tired at the end of the day.

Mon Tues and Thurs. I go to spinning classes (steady bike excercise with music and an instructor and people, I find it so much fun!), and Fridays I have school, so I hardly have time at the computer, let alone write in here (sob sob).

Yes as you know I'm an addict in here, I love beeing at the computer and chat and play (specially on neopets lol) but, I thought that I should do something more useful in my life than be here :)

Anywayz, THANKS SO MUCH to that special friend of mine (waves) who poked me into writing in here again :D (promisse I'll try to write more often!) I loved your special letter! :D

10 July 2005


Well, until now I think you know there is NO secret that I just LOVE going to the movies... so I thought I would give you my reviews on some of the movies I've seen. In no particular order!! (five stars beeing the highest score)

MR. and MRS. SMITH ***
This movie has a lot of adventure, has a lot of violence, it was fun, and it has MY BOYFRIEND BRAD IN IT!!!! *sigh* he's cute! LOL, but, you go and watch it for the action, it has really good scenes.

This movie started very well, I loved it, but then, it went down after the first 45 min. The dialogs were bland but the special effects were great!!

HOW'S MOVING CASTLE ******************************************** 1/2
Why the half you say? Well, it's because it was DUBBED IN ENGLISH! GRRR!! What's this movie you say? It's from the MASTER Hayao Miyazaki (bows to Sensei!) This master of movies is amazing, if you haven't seen any of his movies, I recommend them a lot, why don't they have subtitled movies? What's wrong with subtitles?!? If the dubbing was good I wouldn't mind... but.. ugh!

VERY good movie! Good special effects, good writing, the only thing I didn't like a lot was Batman's voice.. other than that, go see it!

I love action movies, and thisone had it all... some turns that you didn't think it would happen.. that kept it more in suspense! If you like action movies, go see thisone!

I love these kind of movies... I thought thisone was going to be funnier, it started very good, but then.... it went all down, so down that I wanted to leave before the movie ended!! Not a good movie at all... what a dissapointment.

GO BUY THE BOOK! Don't waste your money on the movie! What a dissapointment!

Dialogs where blah, story, special effects, THE HUGE SURPRISE at almost the end... excelent movie! What I didn't like about the Star Wars Saga, was that George Lucas is changing the original movies! COME ON GEORGE!! We want to watch the originals!!!

I will put this movie at least for one Oscar nomination, yes, that's how much I like it, it's a wonderful movie, great dialog, costumes, acting... stop reading! Go watch it!

Well it's not a "so recent" movie, but it's a MUST on your MUST SEE list! Again, it has excellent dialog, suspense, surprises!! You'll like this movie if you love suspense. Besides, I've always wanted Nicole's job, not as an actress, but as an interpreter...

And that's it until now... more movies to come! Soon I hope!! ^O^


Yes yes ok I know, you all are sick and tired of hearing Star Wars... Star wars here, star wars there... it's even in your drink! But hey! I love it and I have to share my experience on going to watch that movie.

We bought the tickets one week before the premier, yes, one week, I said, this is nonsense! But my sis was insisting to buy them.. well, we did.

The day arrived it was a Friday afternoon, after work, the movie theater is close to home (new!) and mom said to go one hour before becuase there are going to be a lot of people, I said "nonsense"! But you don't say that infront of your mom! Noooo, you just say "ok" and on the inside say "I"ll be bored to death waiting an hour to get into a movie theater, thinking of the time I could've had playing on the computer but hey.. it's mom right?" Well, we got there and.. as always, parents are right.. yes, you read right, parents are ALWAYS right, so listen to them when they speak! LOL the line to get into the movies was outside the movie theater!! :o I was so surprised! That I had to ask the manager, where is the line for Star Wars? And he said, it's thisone... OMG!

Well, mom, sis and me stood there for about 40 min. which it wasn't bad mind you, looking at people comming and going, the conversation we had, there is kinda like a bungee jumping for kids outside the movie theater.. so there's plenty to see outside, so no, it wasn't boring waiting.

Before getting in, a staff member got our tickets and after the earlier crowd left, we got in, the movie was PACKED! There wasn't ONE single seat left! Went for popcorn, iced tea and I'm ready!!

The organization at the movie theater was incredibly good, no problems whatsoever, well just one... the people tend to speak too much and loud at the theater! I hate it when people talk at the movie theaters!

How was the movie?? Well, that's on another post :) Look for movie reviews! :)

08 July 2005


No, I don't mean the TV Show, but that's what I am now.. lost...

Now, where is she lost now? Well, I'm on two places, but not at the same time, you can't be on two places at the same time, although I wish I could hehehe.

Recently I've been in paltalk world and on Sims world (yes I'm a HUGE Sims fan) and rebuilding my webpage world, ok that's three, but who's counting right? LOL

Recently too I've been meeting a lot of wonderful people, that have offered me their friendship and also have been teaching me a thing or two about ways of thinking and ways of looking at life in a different way.

I feel very furtunate to meet people from around the world who have offered me their friendship, that sure makes me think, that there is still some good in this place that we call world, soon to be called trash if we don't take care of it... *sigh*

If you are reading this and you know me, thank you for your friendship which I treasure, and be sure that you'll have a friend in me.

29 April 2005


I remember when I was a little girl (there she goes again with her boring speaches!), that whenever I got sick, and tried to watch some TV, I had to wait until everyone came back from school to watch cartoons or GOOD shows! There were no VCR's and most defenitely no DVD's. (And no, I'm not OLD, I can hear you thinking that!)

Now that TV has "grown up" there are hundreds and hundreds of TV channels to choose from in the US, well in here we have around 100 give or take... out of those, less than half are worth something during the day.

This past week I've been forced by an ear infection to stay home, move very slow or at least try not to move that much, so what can you do? Move your thumb to change the channel! LOL

Well, the first day my thumb was sore because of all the switch... " loose weight in 2 weeks!" ... switch! "with this incredible machine you'll have a great body in a few weeks!" ... switch! "with this ointment you will look younger in weeks!" ... switch! "learn English in 5 easy steps!" blah blah blah, get the message? Infomercials informercials... blah blah blah...

Well, thank God for DVD's and/or VCR's :) I can choose to watch whatever I want, stop it if I want, repeat a scene... well, I'm not saying anything new here.. but.. I'm glad there are other choices now to watch TV instead of waiting for the "prime time" hours to come and watch something descent!

So from now on I say.. they can have as many as they want, I won't be watching any, I rather watch my favorite movies/taped TV Shows :D

27 April 2005


Well, a lot of you might know about my pastimes :) others may not, others may *think* they know everything.. but, not that much.

I got pastimes like everyone else, movies, internet, books, DVD's, computer games, etc.

But, there is this small little..."hobbie" you might say, or pastime, that I like to do and enjoy doing most of the time. Some people won't even have time for this, and they should do it.

Have you ever... and I mean actually stopped everything you are doing and look around? Actually take a look at your surroundings... I always enjoy waking up early and listen and I mean actually listen my surroundings, there are no cars, there are no people, no stereos no nothing.. just birds singing... it's actually very pleasant to the ear :)

In the evening, I enjoy going to my backyard, when everybody is settling in, listen to again the birds, feel the air, look at my garden, or when I come home in the bus, I enjoy the colors the sunset paints on the buildings... Corny? Maybe, but you might want to try it sometime, when you feel tired, stressed out or just feeling a bit blah... take a deep breath outside, take a look at your nice surroundings and think *why didn't I think of this before?"

Yeah, that's what I enjoy doing, crazy, corny, but it makes me realize that every day we have some small little gifts that because of our busy lives, we are not aware of.

26 April 2005

Kids and Police in the USA

Well I wasn't going to say anything about what I heard recently on the news, mainly because I didn't want to start my blog with sad news, but I slept through it and I thought that I had to say something.

Recently a little five year old girl was hancuffed by police because her teacher (an adult) couldn't control her.

My first reaction was... WHAT were they thinking?!?

The teacher (Principal whatever) is an adult, and like one you have to be able to control a child, a 5 year old girl who weights a lot less than an adult and it's smaller.

Calling the police was just an insane thing to do.. call two three teachers if that would be necessary, one distracts her and the otherone can hug her from behind and wait until she calms down! Again.. -she's just a kid-

The police shouldn't have handcuffed her! What were they thinking?!? Was the police in danger from a five year old? Did she have a gun? What they should've done was just hug the girl and wait for her parents to come.

Everyone has their right for an opinion, and this is mine... if we continue to allow these kind of things, the world will be a bigger mess that it already is.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and this is mine.

25 April 2005

The Great Master on the Lord of the Rings Triology, Such a huge thrill to meet him!  Posted by Hello
If you are a Lord of the Rings fan, you would know who this guy is, I just couldn't beleive my luck to have a picture with him! Can you tell with my expression? Hehehe Posted by Hello
I love comics and meeting Mrs. Charles Schultz at last year's comic convention sure made my year! I was overwhelmed and honored, Peanuts have been in the family ever since I can remember! And I'm sure it will keep going for a long time.  Posted by Hello
This is a recent picture of my niece, I just had to put her in, she's my little angel and I'm so surprised that she has grown so much! Hoow fast kids grow huh? :) Posted by Hello


Hello! And welcome to my blog.

I can imagine what you are saying now "oh no! Another blog!" but.. but, before you close this window and go somewhere else, let me explain.

I did this so I can keep in contact with my friends I know some of you would like to know where/how I am! And I owe a few friends (Hi Keith!) a hand written letter, but when I had time I was in my bed and sometimes I just wanted to sleep, and others I had my paper and pen ready, but my mind was in blank, (yes very rare LOL) so I thought, this would be a nice way to share my thoughts and pictures.

But please, don't think of this as a daily diary... nonono, that would be too boring wouldn't it? What I mean to do with this blog is besides talking sometimes about myself, I would also like to share news, comments and stuff that are going around the world. Or just to post some facts that might be interesting/fun and, sometimes I'll tell you about my crazy hobbies. LOL

So, before going any further, I would like to welcome you again, make yourself at home, bookmark this place and come and visit my little corner once in a while.