28 January 2008

Yip yips meet the telephone

BRIIIINNNNGGG!!! The things you find on Youtube!! I can't beleive it, I feel I'm going back to my childhood I used to see this when I was a little kid and then Tania saw it too and I remember we imitating them, it was SO much fun... and yes, I confess I'm a muppet lover!!

24 January 2008

Raindrops Falling On My Head

I love to hear the rain, I love to watch the rain, I just wish I could do that from my warm room everytime it rains and not when I'm outside in the cold!! LOL

Have you ever stopped and really listen to the rain? I always wake up at five am to go to work, sometimes earlier, some call me crazy, but I love the quiet time I get in the morning.. time -for me- to do whatever I want, to get connected to myself. I always wake up and turn on the TV while I get dressed so I can listen to the headlines and the weather, but not yesterday.

Yesterday it was raining and I just woke up and stayed in my bed listening to the rain, it was so good, so relaxing, I enjoyed it too much, no I did not fall asleep! But listening to the pit pat pit pat on the window and roof, it was like a song... or soft music, it was very enjoyable.

Next time it rains in your neighborhood, I invite you to stop for five minutes and listen... really listen to the rain, I bet you will enjoy it to the fullest.

15 January 2008


I found this GREAT video of some shots of my Country... if I must say so myself... SO pretty... *sighs* yes... even with all the problems, my Mexico it's very pretty. *smiles*


Because I love Mariachi and because I love my Country and because I wanted to share a little bit with all of you, I'm going to be posting some this and thats! Hope you enjoy!

10 January 2008

But I never win anything!

Well that's what I used to say! Contests, raffles, you name it, I didn't win it until last Monday.

One co-worker won a Texaco contest, and he got a huge flat HD TV with a home entertainment system and an Ipod Nano with Video 8 gig. He kept the TV and wanted to raffle the other two items between us.

Well, on Monday what a surprise! My name came out for the iPod! WHEEEE!!! Yeah, I always wanted one of those and I'm still in shock and very happy and very surprised!!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I HATE apple, I bought an iPod nano (the first one) I was very happy with it until my computer crashed, and I lost everything, (that's an old computer) so when it was fixed I tried to transfer the songs from my nano to the new computer... well guess what? apple won't let me do that because that's NOT the licensed computer -_- WHO in their RIGHT MIND would think that one could have a computer forever?!?

Anyway, I deleted the license and tried again and nothing... nothing at all :P so now it's sitting pretty on my desk, laughing at me and saying "nah nah nah you can't get anything out of me" the good news is that I have now the other better iPod but I still want to use the otherone! So now I'm stuck without knowing how to tell my nano that this is MY computer THAT I PAID FOR THE ITEM and that I want to transfer fresh songs there ... of course, without deleting my video nano's account....

But.. I should not complain! I'm EXTREMELY happy and I can't beleive it and I'm ejoying it to the fullest to say the least! :D Here is the pic :D Yeah.. I was happy hehehe the other two girls are co-workers and that's the general manager by the way.

04 January 2008

My Medusa

My Medusa is back!! Yes, I have even named my computer.... Medusa, what a great name LOL well, I have my computer back *hugs computer* I missed it SO much!!

Anyway, I have to install EVERYTHING again, but... that's what weekends are for ... right?

Specially this weekend that it's going to be a cold rainy weekend... perfect to be inside, play with your computer, install every single game I have (hehehe) and have TONS of fun!

Oh boy.. lack of sleep here I come!!

01 January 2008

A new Year, a New start

A new year, new hope for things to go good as last year, or why not? Even better!

It's time to look forward and not to look back, I look forward for this year, why? Because I have a resolution, well I have many like everyone else (loose weight, eat healthier) but one that I have to imply and I know it's going to be a bit hard, but with dedication and always always keeping it in mind... "THINK POSSITIVE".

If things go wrong, or not the way I wanted them to be or turn out, look for another way to make them work, look for the possitive side of things, yeah, it's easier said than done, but I will try to do it!!

I'm typing this now on a notepad, since writing directly on the blog is so slow, my friend the Neanderthal adviced me, I think he burned out his last piece of brain he had by thinking that LOL (sorry Neandy! Love you!!! *wink*) so I can copy paste my thoughts and nonsense in here, boring the few people who read this to death, and keeping them up to date!

Tomrrow if the computer people go to work my sis will take my computer to the shop, I can't wait to get it back, I miss playing Guild Wars with my friends, I miss my friends on and off Guild Wars, I missed the Wintersday celebrations!! *cries*

Anyway, I hope your New Year Resolutions are the ones you can keep, and that 2008 brings you lots of health, happiness and success!!