26 October 2008

Comic Con and Twilight

I don't know if I have told you this before, but there was a HUGE Buzz at Comic Con about the movie twlight, I never heard of it (where do I live in a cave?!? I think so!) so sis went to the panel (IT WAS PACKED!) she got pictures yes... she read the whole four books in less than a month (yeah I had no sister :P) and now I'm reading them, I'm up to book three, I like them! :)

BUT, the reason I'm telling you this is.. they were giving away free promotional twilight cards (four on each pack) and sis found them today over the internet.... people are buying that freebie pack for $50.00 !!!! Yes I was *shocked* a few days ago I was going to throw it away! I was like... well, why do I need some promo stuff??

OH... MY... GOD... am I glad I asked sis if she wanted them or not... she kept them and now... EBAY! LOL wow...

Lesson learned kids!! NEVER refuse freebies from Comic Con and NEVER throw them out until you are SURE you are not throwing away money... hehe

(EspaƱol mas al ratito, me tengo que ir ahorita jeje)

14 October 2008

Funtastic Four Second *very late* Part!!!

Alright alright I know! I know! It's been *ages* since I posted that! (a month to be exact! And that was not on purpose! Honest!), so anyway, my b'day and the next day went pretty well, my mom made me one of my favorite! Pozole! Yuuumi! :)

At night, I blew my 41 candles (and counting!), mom made the cake from scratch! Even the icing! Yes it was chocolate and yes it was my favorite!! Yuumii! :D

Later that night mom and sis and me went to watch on TV the celebrations for our Independence day,I always love that celebration, it's when I feel the proudest to be Mexican! Y QUE VIVA MEXICO!!

Grito de Independencia 2008 Mexico
Valgame que ahora si me tarde en escribir en mi blog! (un mes! Y eso que no fue a proposito! Jejeje) pues mi cumple me la pase sensacional los otros dos dias, el dia de mi cumple mi mama hizo uno de mis platillos favoritos.. pozole! Mmmm Yumi! Y tambien en la noche partimos el pastel 41 velitas! (y contando!) de ahi nos fuimos a ver la celebracion del grito de Indepenencia... siempre me ha gustado verlo y es cuando MAS me da orgullo de ser Mexicana! Y QUE VIVA MEXICO!! :D