29 December 2005

Almost New Year!!

Well, again I haven't been able to post, but this time not for lack of time, but lack of health!!

It seems that my body loves to get sick every year, it's been almost a month and I can't get rid of this cold.

Christmas was really really nice, can't complain, beeing with family is always nice.

I hope everything went very well with you!

03 December 2005


Well, after watching twice Harry Potter (not enough times) and thinking to myself (it's a movie, don't compare to the book) I got an email saying that the movie theater is selling Narnia tickets for next Friday!

I didn't want it to happen like last time with Harry, so, I ventured the Xmas traffic and went and bought Narnia tickets for next Friday at 9 pm!! Yaaay! I sure can't wait to see this movie.