31 July 2007

Comic Con 2007 Wednesday Pictures

Heroe's booth was one of the most crowded, and small! But it had the original paintings from the show, and on Saturday, on Hall H the whole cast was there.. woohooo! (yes I got pictures! I just need to fix them first)

Another beautiful booth was the promo for the movie The Golden Compass, very pretty, original props, later you'll see more pictures!

This was on top of another booth, it's big and it's amazing we could get a nice picture! With all the people around, this came out pretty decent.

This is You Know Who... and if you don't know You Know Who... then.. you are not a Harry Potter Fan.

This Transformer is bigger than me, very very impressive and I loved it, and I even loved more I could take a nice decent picture of it! Don't you think?

Comic Con 2007 Wednesday Pictures

Picture on the left, all made out of leggos, and C3PO spoke, very very well made and exciting, picture on the right.. I wanted to take it alone, but people kept coming in for pictures and I asked sis to take one with me, that way NOBODY will be on the way and I could have a picture! Nice huh?

Keep in mind that it was SO hard to take a picture without people bumping into you, and you trying NOT to move and take them fast before people got in the way of the picture, or bump you.... yeah, it is that hard.

Comic Con 2007 Wednesday

Finally the big day had arrived, the year's highlight, the most expected time of the year (well at least for me!) Comic Con! Oh yes! It's that time of year again where your feet disguise as indians and start sending "signals" (boom boom boom get it?) by the end of the day, or earlier, time of the year again when you don't sleep too much and party until your feet say no more. Yes.. heaven!!

Wednesday was preview night, doors open late, but we had to go and form a line earlier to get our badges, we met our friends Xenedra and Kalpatra for lunch over at Horton Plaza, I cannot say enough good comments about them, they are so sweet, nice, kind, funny... I feel so lucky and honored to have them as friends.

Anyway, we had lunch and we went to get our badges and wait in line to get in. As always, when one comes in, the adrenaline starts to pump up, looking at all the HUGE exhibits, lights, music, really a sight to see! Although every year it has been more crowded and crowded, it's amazing that this year was sold out! I'm glad we bought our tickets last year!!

We saw the schedule, who was going to be on the panels and what were we (sis and me) going to do and looking at all the events, we were only going to have time for shopping on Wednesday and Sunday, of course one has to shop early, so you get the good stuff first! Luckily we found everything we wanted (WOHOO!) and a bit more.. hehe (yeah, yeah, you know how it is, I'm just going to buy this... and then.. ooh look! I want this! And ... oooh! Just this! hehe) so we got all our shopping done on Wednesday, and we took some pictures.

Preview night it's from 6 to 9 pm so we were browsing and shopping and took some pictures! They are on the next post.

29 July 2007

A Special Message

This is a special message for those who are waiting for my comments about Comic Con 20007


Yes yes, I know Mazie Baby wants a full report, and I promised flame boy I would take TONS of pictures, (And I am!), I got my elite postcard friend what I promised *huge smile* too bad I couldn't get flame boy's bandana though :( anyway, I'm exhausted and I'm going to go again today to make a last run and see how many goodies I can take.

During the week I'll be writing a very complete and full report.. in the meantime.... read above *huge smile*