12 July 2008

Very Special Guest

We have one special guest at home, my seven year old princess Ivy (well, okay okay, my niece! But she's my princess and nobody can tell me different!), I was afraid that she would not remember me since she does not live near by and I only see her on the webcam once in a while.

So yesterday, when I came back from work, I saw her, she saw me, then she looked at me like she was remembering who I was and then ran and gave me a biiiiig hug.

We spent a lot of time watching Pokemon (she loves Pokemon, she even has a Pokemon toothbrush!) and then she went to sleep.

This morning mom sis and her were already having breakfast when suddenly I came downstairs with a "fake" sleepy face and leaned on her, she laughed, she was eating a piece of toast and I said "may I have your toast?" and she immediately covered it and and said "no it's mine" LOL Today we'll go to the circus, we will see how it goes! Yes I will spoil her to death!
Tenemos un visitante muy muy especial en casa, su nombre es Ivy mi princesa de siete años, tenia miedo de que ella no me reconociera, puesto que hace mas de dos años que no la veia, solo por la webcam la veia de vez en cuando.

Ayer que llegue de trabajar y me vio, como que queria ver quien era yo, se quedo un ratito viendome y de repente una sonrisota dibujo su cara y corrio a darme un abrazote, obviamente me derritio! Jejeje Nos la pasamos viendo Pokemon (le gusta mucho! Hasta tiene cepillo de dientes de Pokemon) y se durmio como un angelito.

Hoy en la maniana, abuelita, tia Tania y ella estaban desayunando, bajo yo con cara de "dormida" y a Ivy le dio risa, luego vi que estaba comiendo un pedazo de pan tostado y le dije "me regalas tu pan?" y luego luego lo tapo, me vio feo y dijo "no" jajaja

Hoy vamos a ir al circo, veremos que tal nos va... y si, la vamos a concentir muuuuucho!

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